Sports Chiropractic

Discover the benefits of sports chiropractic care in Austin and Cedar Park, TX, by working closely with Dr. Billy Wright and Dr. Tyler Wright of Wright Family Chiropractic.

What Are the Benefits of Sports Chiropractic Care?

If you’re familiar with chiropractic care, you likely recognize it as an effective solution for chronic injuries. However, the idea of using it to boost your athletic performance might not be something you have considered. This could cause you to miss out on remarkable benefits.

One reason sports chiropractic care is highly beneficial is that it simplifies injury management.

Many athletes struggle with injuries because they don’t receive proper treatment. They may only focus on the symptoms they’re experiencing instead of treating the root causes. Chiropractic care offers lasting relief by serving as a comprehensive solution.

Musculoskelet care can furthermore be used to prevent injury. Chiropractic techniques can unlock our joints, balance them efficiently, and help them develop better support. Avoiding injury is easier when the tissue surrounding your joints can stretch further and bear more stress without fraying.

Chiropractic treatments can also enhance your physical capabilities. Faster workout and game recovery times mean less downtime.

Regular chiropractic treatment can even help with stress reduction. The treatments administered by a sports chiropractor help reset our hormonal state. They can also improve your sleep quality. Use those benefits to get into the right state of mind before your next game.

Dr. Billy Wright and Dr. Tyler Wright of Wright Family Chiropractic are ready to help if you are seeking expert sports chiropractic care in Austin or Cedar Park, TX.

What Treatments Are Featured in Sports Chiropractic Care?

Various treatment offerings are included in sports chiropractic care.

Chiropractic adjustments are often used to treat the underlying causes of numerous musculoskeletal symptoms. They can provide lasting injury relief and improve the strength and stability of your joints while helping you relax.

Spinal decompression is another treatment that can generate remarkable results for athletes. You may benefit from this treatment if you are struggling with a herniated disc or persistent pain along your spine.

Cryotherapy and laser therapy can also help athletes deal with soft tissue injuries in a non-invasive manner.

Partner with Dr. Billy Wright and Dr. Tyler Wright of Wright Family Chiropractic so you can receive effective sports chiropractic treatment. Call 512-476-5695 to reach our Austin location or 512-249-8800 for our office in Cedar Park, TX.

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Cedar Park


8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:40 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


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1:40 pm-5:00 pm


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8:00 am-12:00 pm

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