Chiropractic Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease refers to a medical condition that generally occurs due to the natural breakdown of spinal discs due to aging and routine wear and tear. The intensity and the location of the degenerative disc disease symptoms vary, which is why it is vital to seek help from a professional to manage the symptoms related to degenerative disc disease (DDD). Dr. Billy Wright and Dr. Tyler Wright of Wright Family Chiropractic, serving the greater Austin or Cedar Park, TX, vicinity, can help diagnose and treat the symptoms of DDD.

Degenerative Disc Disease – The Basics

As people age, the discs that separate and support the vertebrae in the spine start to lose fluid content. While this is a natural part of aging, it can potentially cause the discs to become less effective shock absorbers and more likely to be injured.

Some people may experience minimal or no noticeable symptoms with DDD, while others might discover that their ability to move is limited due to ongoing discomfort. Common DDD symptoms include the following-

  • Pain that may radiate along one or both legs and increases with movement.
  • An inflexible and stiff spine.
  • Muscle weakness or spasms.
  • Extremity numbness or tingling.

Degenerative Disc Disease Causes

While the process of aging is usually the main cause of DDD, the reality is other factors can accelerate its development, increasing one’s risk for complications.

  • Genetics.
  • Heavy lifting.
  • Excess weight.
  • Repetitive motion.
  • Smoking
  • Jobs that demand prolonged sitting.

Diagnosing Degenerative Disc Disease

Chiropractors like Dr. Billy and Dr. Tyler possess the specialized training and skills to diagnose degenerative disc disease. The diagnosis and baseline evaluation are performed using a comprehensive physical exam and imaging techniques.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for DDD

Treating this degenerative condition of the spine includes providing back pain relief and improving movement and weight-bearing capacities. Options include these complementary treatment options that help slow the degenerative disc’s progression, and therefore, minimize symptoms –

  • Class IV laser therapy.
  • Mechanical decompression.
  • Spinal adjustments.
  • Therapeutic exercises, stretching, and ultrasound.
  • Laser disc compression.

In addition, these lifestyle adjustments can help–

    • Maintain regular exercise.
    • Eat properly to maintain a healthy weight.
    • Sustain a correct posture.

Contact an Austin-Area Chiropractor to Manage Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms

If you live in or around Austin or Cedar Park, TX, and are experiencing chronic neck or back pain, contact Dr. Billy Wright and Dr. Tyler Wright of Wright Family Chiropractic at 512-249-8800 for an appointment at the Cedar Park office or 512-426-5695 for an appointment at our Austin locale. You can also contact a staff member online.

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